
Hi, I'm Tom. 

I write about relationships. And I write about other things.


The goals of my writing vary. Sometimes it’s purely to entertain, but usually it’s also to provoke interesting or useful thoughts or feelings. Often it’s to share a relationship tip I recently learned.

I’m a scientist by training, but I left that world a long time ago to pursue a corporate career. My interest in science has continued, so you’ll sometimes find a science-y thread running through my posts. And sometimes not.

My writing heroes are Douglas Adams and Tim Urban. If I could write something 1% as good as either of them, I could die a happy man.

I feel incredibly lucky to be one half of the best relationship I can imagine. My wife, Roxy, and I live a blissful existence. She is the most remarkable woman I have ever met, and she helps me to be the best version of myself. We work on our relationship continuously, to try to make it better and better over time. Usually we succeed. Sometimes we fail. Always we learn.

Our relationship has inspired me to learn as much as possible about love and relationships. A huge part of my motivation for writing about relationships is to help others to experience a similar depth of love.

After over a decade in the US, and naturalizing as a dual citizen, I feel neither fully British nor fully American. One thing is for sure: my life today is a far cry from my British origins. Home is San Francisco, where people believe that we can live forever and that we have past and future lives. I’m doubtful about both of these, but I’m open to the possibilities, which I’ve come to believe is a healthy attitude.

Get in touch.

Comments, ideas, or anything you'd like me to muse about? Email me. Seriously, I'd love to hear from you.